Please don't get me wrong, just wanted to share some of my experience..not more than private life..
Well, the story begins with......It has been 5 months now since I left my previous organisation. Well, I can considered myself as a super dupper lucky person for being able to work in different industry before I decided to stay with Education.
Ever since I was a child, I've been dreaming of becoming a successful policeman. But, it just that I'm too short and eye-sight problem that disallowed me to become a policeman. (Luckily I'm not, otherwise....)
I started to work since I was 16 due to my determination of getting my own money (with my own effort). The experience of working hard for a penny teached me how difficult life could be without good education. I then continued my Diploma in one of the local Uni in Sabah. I believed a good education will enhance my carier in such a way that I planned before, and yes, I did. Just after a short while of completed my Diploma, I'd decided to pursue to an even higher level.

I remembered one patient from one of the interior part who came to the hospital after been referred by the Government's hospital. I didn't know what makes me wanted to get close to this lady. But, I just did. One day, I had a visit to her bed. She was eating something. (Lunch maybe). "My God....Apa yang auntie makan ni", my natural responsed after watching the food she ate. It was actually "nasi basi" and some "lauk". My tears suddenly droped without realizing it. "Auntie lapar bah nasi sa bawa dari rumah", the little auntie replied. I just didn't know what to do but I quickly took the "nasi basi" away from her. No one on earth deserved to be treated such way.
For the past 3 days, I've never failed to sent her "tapau" from the canteen. (Steam rice with fresh "lauk" just for her). I guess this is what Sister's is trying to tell me, but until now I'm still searching the meaning for it.
"Terima Kasih anak"....this word means a lot to me. The auntie actually hug me after she has succesfully undergone heart sugery. The satisfaction was great.....helping somebody in need does makes me a better person.
I remembered Oprah's did say this.."If we help somebody who is in need, the outcome that we will received is more than what we ever ask"..and I believe that...How about you?
1 comment:
ur last para tu sedih bah...
mcm tengok movie sedih plak
mau nagis pun boleh
u did a good job bro
well done...
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